00 28/11/2010 18:29

November 28, First Sunday in Advent

Third from left: 16th-century painting showing, from left, Francis of Assisi, Bernardine of Siena, Giamocomo della Marca and Dominic around the Crucifix.
ST. GIACOMO DELLA MARCA [James of the Marche] (Italy, 1394-1476), Franciscan and Preacher
Born to a poor family in Ancona in the northeast central Italian region called the Marche, he obtained doctorates in civil and canon law from the University of Perugia and studied with the future Saints Bernardine of Siena and John of Capistrano. Along with Albert of Santeano, the four came to be known as the 'four pillars of the Franciscan observant movement'. Giacomo was a gifted preacher who carried the Word all over Italy and to 13 countries in eastern and central Europe. He had a special devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus, and lived such a severely austere life that Bernardine advised him to moderate his penances. He is also remembered for starting the Catholic monte pietatis - non-profit pawnshops to help the poor. He was canonized in 1726.
Readings for today's Mass:

OR today.

The main papal story in today's OR is the Holy Father's address to the new ambassador from Japan, but the front-page photograph belongs to the other papal story in this issue - the Pope's last farewell to Manuela Camagni of his Vatican family, when her wake began Thursday evening at the Vatican church of Santo Stefano degli Abissini (story posted on the preceding page). Other Page 1 stories: the EU bailout of Ireland gets under way; Belgium joins Spain and Portugal on the danger list of debtor nations; Iraqi authorities arrest terrorists responsible for church bombing in Baghdad a few weeks ago; and Haitians go to the polls in the midst of months-long earthquake devastation and a raging cholera epidemic.


Noontime Angelus - The Holy Father spoke on the concept of Christian waiting in the context of Advent
which begins today.

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 28/11/2010 18:40]