00 23/05/2019 14:17
I'm totally with Mundabor on this one - in which he comments on Maike Hicksons' recent blog on LifeSite reporting on the negative reaction of of Cardinals Gerhard Mueller and Willem Eijk and Mons. Athanasius Schneider to the recent Open Letter to Bishops asking them to investigate what they arguably consider to be the heresies of the reigning pope.
To all the cardinals and bishops - almost everyone who bear these titles, really - who share this inexplicable madness on the part of undoubtedly intelligent men: All this time, 976 days since the pope received the DUBIA letter, you are still expecting him to 'clarify' what he meant in Amoris laetitia? That is sheer madness and inability to be a 'man man' and be done with hemming and hawing once and for all. Well, Mueller for one has given his unqualified verdict, without waiting for the clarification he continues to ask: Bergoglio is not a heretic, and his questionable statements do not rise to the level of heresy. What does Fr Hunwicke say now of Mueller after his clearcut and blanket dismissal of the Open Letter he, Fr. H, co-authored and signed? Still one of his theological models whom he never mentions without heaping praises such as he usually reserves for Cardinal Newman?

Wet your lips but never whistle!

May 23, 2019

In recent days, two Cardinals and one Bishops (actually, they are among the usual suspects when it is about trying to defend, albeit timidly, orthodoxy against a heretical Pope) have renewed calls for the Evil Clown to “clarify Church teaching” concerning his heresies.

Firstly, the men clearly have not received the memo, in form of the “no hay otra interpretacion” letter which, in fact, abundantly clarifies where the Evil Clown lies on the matter of communion for divorced and, by extension, on the matter of what he thinks of heresy. [That he caused this letter to be posted, in explicit terms, as Papal Magisterium in the Acta Apostolis Sedae, is obviously not 'clarificatory' enough for them! What else do they need but "No hay otra interpretacion'? Do they really expect him to say outright, "Yes, I meant Amoris laetitia to absolve all unqualified remarried divorcees of adultery and therefore be worthy of the Eucharist?"]

Therefore, it seems to me that the intervention of these prelates is a bit like talking to the wind, or to the wall. They are clearly not talking to Francis, who obviously ignores them.

Secondly, it is almost fun – in a somewhat depressing way – that all three Orthodoxy Musketeers take stand against the open letter of the theologians inviting the bishop to take action against a heretical Pope. This is like saying that it is good for bishops and cardinals to wet their lips; however, they should never whistle! How this follows any kind of logic is beyond me.

Words have a meaning if they are underpinned by facts. Words that are meant to remain only words are useless. Any bishop, any cardinal must know this. It is as if in their vision of things, Popes could go on for 70 years spreading heresies and it would be fine for a couple of bishops and cardinals to invite them to “clarify Church teaching” (which never happens) thinking that the request itself, not the clarification, is the answer to the problem.

One of the effects of Vatican II has been to create an awful lot of prelates who think they are journalists. They analyse and invite. They comment and reflect. They love to read their name in print. What they never do, what they think they have no duty to do, is, actually, act.

Words, without facts, are rather empty. You need to do what you say needs to be done. A Bishop or Cardinal is not called to give commentaries about the faith. He is called to actively defend it; in season and out of season, and with no respect for authority when this authority defies God.

He is not one who comments about those in power. He is one of those who actually have it.

You would think this simple concept would be clear after 2000 years of Christianity. Instead, prepare yourself for the next lame interview in which a prelate thinks that wetting his lips is the same as whistling.
[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 27/05/2019 08:15]