00 22/10/2018 02:17

I have really been 'following' the reportage on the 'youth synod' with a pall of dread I cannot dispel because I cannot face another Amoris laetitia
distortion/rejection of Catholic doctrine, and this time, to reinforce the tsunami of universal LGBTQ exaltation indulged in by the secular world
especially in the West. The AP's report today decidedly points in that direction, even if initial reports from the synodal working groups appear
to indicate that most of the synodal fathers are, at the very least, hesitant to take that line...

Young Catholics urge Vatican
to issue inclusive LGBT message

by Nicole Winfield

VATICAN CITY, October 21, 2018(AP) — Catholic bishops are entering their final week of debate over hot-button issues facing young Catholics, including how the church should welcome gays and respond to the clerical sex abuse scandal that has discredited many in the church hierarchy.

The monthlong synod of bishops ends next Saturday with the adoption by the 260-plus cardinals, bishops and priests of a final document and approval of a separate, shorter letter to the world’s Catholic youth.

Some of the youth delegates (What percentage of the youth delegates is 'some'? Less than 50% would not be impressive at all!]) to the meeting have insisted that the final document express an inclusive message to make LGBT Catholics feel welcome in a church that has often shunned them. [Is there any documentary and statistical evidence at all that 'the Church' in general has 'shunned' anyone, other than setting down restrictions on valid canonical grounds such as formal excommunication or exclusion from the sacraments? Restrictions which, however, are more honored in the breach than in the observance, as everyone knows (the most obvious being the Eucharistic restriction on politicians who abet and support abortion). And surely, there are no canonical laws on the books that have to do with LGBTQ persons (if only for the simple reason that the Church only classifies individuals as male or female, and not as to their sexual orientation because Catholicism does not classify individuals in that way even if the Catechism clearly says that homosexual practices are sinful. Note that the Church condemns the sin, not the sinner, as it has always done, because sinners can choose to amend their ways and live right.

The Vatican took a step in that direction by making a reference to “LGBT” for the first time in its preparatory document heading into the meeting.

But some bishops have balked at the notion, including Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput, who insisted in his speech that “there is no such thing as an ‘LGBTQ Catholic’ or a ‘transgender Catholic’ or a ‘heterosexual Catholic,’ as if our sexual appetites defined who we are.”

But other bishops have expressed a willingness to use the language, though it remains to be seen if the final document or the letter will. Each paragraph will be voted on one by one and must obtain a two-thirds majority.

“The youth are talking about it freely and in the language they use, and they are encouraging us ‘Call us, address us this because this is who we are,’” Papua New Guinea Cardinal John Ribat told a press conference Saturday.

One of those young people, Yadira Vieyra, who works with migrant families in Chicago, said gays often feel attacked and shunned by the church. “We know that’s not true, any Catholic knows that’s not true,” she said. But she added bishops need to communicate that “the church is here for them.”

Catholic church teaching holds that gays should be loved and respected but that homosexual acts are “intrinsically disordered.”

The Oct. 3-28 synod has unfolded against the backdrop of the clergy sex abuse scandal exploding anew in the U.S., Germany, Poland and other nations. Some conservatives have charged that a gay subculture in the priesthood is to blame, even though studies have shown that gays are not more likely than heterosexuals to abuse.

Many of the young delegates have insisted that the final document address the abuse scandal straight on, and Melbourne Archbishop Peter Comensoli hinted that it would.

“One of the key things that will be important going forward is not just that there might be a word of apology, of recognition and of aiming for better practices, but that there is action associated with that,” he said.

Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich said young people are also demanding accountability and transparency from the church’s leadership, which has been excoriated for having covered-up the abuses of predator priests for decades.

He repeated his call, first made in an interview last week with National Catholic Reporter, for bishops to cede their own authority and allow an external process involving lay experts to investigate them when an accusation against them has been made.

“Lay people want us to succeed. People want us to get this right,” Cupich said. “Yes, there’s a lot of anger out there. But beneath that anger there’s a sadness. There’s a sadness that the church is better than this, and that we should get this right.

At Church Militant, Michael Voris expresses the utter skepticism with which critics of the Bergoglian synods look askance at all the subterfuges and manipulation towards the pope's pre-determined goal that has characterized them, even when the synodal fathers try to show their autonomy.

It's really obvious

I must protest the inclusion of Cardinal Pell in the rainbow gallery above, since he was the one who saw the Vatican's ultimate gay agenda early enough.

To view the video, go to


I'm Michael Voris coming to you from Rome where we are here covering the so-called Synod on the Youth — and where it is becoming increasingly, not just clear, but obviou, s that the point of this synod is the normalization of homosexuality in the Church.

In fact, this has been the plan all along, Cdl, George Pell pointed out back in the 2014 Extraordinary Synod on the Family.

You'll recall that first Synod on the Family in 2014 and then the follow-up synod the next year were the synods which produced the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia and all the attendant controversy over divorced and civilly remarried Catholics being admitted to Holy Communion.

That controversy spun off the further controversy of the Dubia, and the Church from that moment on was off to the races as orthodox and heterodox formed around theological issues.

But underlying all this was what Abp. Viganò correctly identified as the "homosexual current" in the Church and specifically the Vatican. Everything that has happened in the Francis papacy traces directly back to the issue of homosexuality — even Amoris Laetitia.

In 2014, George Pell, the cardinal of Sydney, Australia, came out on camera and said the entire question about divorced and civilly remarried Catholics and Holy Communion was nothing more than a "stalking horse" — his words — to grease the skids for the question of homosexuality being accepted in the Church.

Even without changing the teaching — which can't be done — the practice and attitude can be changed, just like the teaching on contraception.

The teaching, re-affirmed by Paul VI in 1968, although in different terms than the previous two thousand years, sit there firmly in place alongside all the other teachings, but it is almost completely rejected, ignored and even mocked in the day to day life of the vast majority of Catholics.

That rejection of Church teaching in one area of sexuality opened the door — or Pandora's Box — for rejection in other areas as well. And since the 1960s, the flood of homosexual men into the priesthood and then their subsequent rise to the episcopate and the College of Cardinals has created the environment where they feel perfectly able to assert their will and force the issue.

And that is what this synod is about — and it's all it's about.

In the weeks leading up to the synod, Cdl. Baldisseri, for example, simply lied about the inclusion — for the first time ever in an official Church document — the acronym "LGBT."

He said it came from an earlier working document, which it did not, and when he was discovered in his lie by reporters, he took the Pope Francis approach of telling the reporters he wasn't going to change or do a thing. And behind the scenes, again in the run-up to the official opening of the synod earlier this month, multiple homosexual activist groups have been working with the various planning committees helping craft the language and agenda.

For example, the group led by gay-cheerleader Chicago Cdl. Cupich wants the Church to recognize, "accept and even honor ... other forms of family" — what he terms every family unit. At the same time, Honduran Cdl. Maradiaga is pushing for "pastoral care" for "marriage between homosexuals, surrogate pregnancy and adoption by same-sex couples."

The fix is in and it's screamingly obvious. This is the moment the homosexual clergy has been pushing for, their brass ring, for the past 50 years.

And if a certain percentage of them rape altar boys and destroy the lives and vocations of seminarians, oh well, the Pope just ignores it, and they know it — so in effect, nothing slows them down.

These men, the cardinals involved in this, are absolute deviants and degenerates, at the very least in terms of theology, and who knows what else.
- They lash out at victims, just as Pope Francis did in Chile.
- They accuse men who were raped by homosexual clergy of gossip.
- They tell them to shut up. They tell them to trust.
- They are steamrolling over everything in their path — souls, the faith, truth, it doesn't matter, rushing like madmen to their finish line.

They are so depraved in their ambitions to use the Church to normalize their evil that they care about nothing else.

That is the headline here in Rome, the crushing of any and all opposition, on the march toward the blessing of gay sex.

In 2014, Church Militant came here to cover the synod, and, like others, immediately detected that homosexual undercurrent in the working documents — especially the mid-term relatio.

We'd like to take you back for a moment to that very revealing exchange between us and Abp. Bruno Forte, who had actually written into the relatio that
"Homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer the Christian community: are we capable of welcoming these people, guaranteeing to them a further space in our communities?"

Forte's non-response, played off laughingly, like demons do, was very suspicious at the time for those who were listening intently like Church Militant. That small section in the mid-term document was the camel's nose under the tent.

James Martin appeared on the scene announcing unprecedented signs of hope for gays.

Other Vaticanistas called it an earthquake and beyond remarkable — and it was. Every homo-cleric in the Church got the message. The time had come, at last, to have the Church bless sodomy in the name of charity and mercy and justice.

And four years later — almost to the day — these same sodomite clergy have assembled again, using children and young people as their cover, to look like and pretend they are listening to the young.

They will produce an already determined likely already written document, "vote" on it and then declare the Church has changed, not necessarily the official teaching, but in every other way conceivable.

Pope Francis will more than likely produce some statement or document and then the gay cabal here in Rome will assert all this evil as being the work of the Holy Spirit, continue to advance homosexual clerics, cover for their evil, refuse to answer media questions, work on producing a fake investigation, attack victims while pretending to care for them and allow good, mostly young, priests to be completely plowed under by their homosexualist bishops.

Anyone who thinks the Church is pulling out of this maelstrom anytime soon simply doesn't understand the situation. If there was ever a time for the faithful laity to step up, this is it.

Stop giving money. Start demanding adherence to the teachings of the Church.

And get on your knees.

Meanwhile, is there anything solid behind this speculation, which is probably the most alarming so far about Bergoglio's immediate intentions????

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 24/10/2018 05:42]