00 06/10/2018 00:37

Striking Poll:
Collapse of pope's support
in the US on all fronts

October 5, 2018

Please, take a look at the Pew poll released just a couple of days ago, in which American Catholics give their opinion on the current Bishop of Rome.

It is a much better poll than the usual "approve/don't approve" type of poll, since it goes to the heart of what a Pope actually does. And it is all the more shocking because it includes all self-declared Catholics, and not practicing Catholics. One can only imagine the view Catholics who go at least to Sunday Mass every Sunday truly think about the current Roman Pontiff.

Division, division
and more satanic division

Posted on 5 October 2018

I have over the last weeks watched the Kavanaugh hearings. This morning I listened to speeches of Senators before the cloture vote. The cloture vote passed and the vote to confirm Kavanaugh’s nomination to SCOTUS will take place in some 30 hours.

I have listened to Feinstein (D-CA) and Schumer (D-NY) this morning. Again and again on news I have seen interviews with other Dem Senators. Their rhetoric is exemplary. It is mesmerizing.
- Theirs is a superb demonstration of sheer prevarication.
- They lockstep forward with unsubstantiated assertions and the pretzel twisting of facts.
- They – with their shadow masters – activated a coordinated mob of paid protesters while inciting the violation of civil liberties against the other aisle, including even violence.
- Each moment at a microphone brings more apocalyptic hysteria and the rejection of common sense.

That’s the essence of political libs: they demand that you reject facts as they rely on endless process to wear out the other side under a hail of vilification, shouting harassment, personal destruction, interruption and delay.

Now that the cloture vote has been taken and passed, watch the fury of the left stoke the storm.

On the churchy side of things, don’t we see much the same? It’s a little quieter, but not by much.
- If libs in the more secular sphere demand – with innuendo and screeching – that you deny the facts in front of your eyes, in the ecclesiastical realm they softly press that 2+2=5.
- Because they already possess the seats of power after which secular libs slaver, they eliminate those who would resist one by one from what they claim they want, namely, dialogue and discernment and “walking together”.
- They place themselves above the written, established process when is isn’t sufficiently preventing resistance and, with a raw imposition of will, override their own rules and reason.
- Their moves, though veiled, remain visible to the attentive. - Moreover, they justify their deceits and authorize their wiles because they see themselves as entitled by the fact of their moral superiority.

Now that the Synod is underway, watch for the multiplication of manipulations. Today, for example, we were told that the interventions of the members would not be made known because this is a “spiritual” process of “discernment”. As if our knowing what they say will affect the members. Do they have no resolve of their own? So much for listening, transparency and their highly touted dialogue.

In both the secular and sacred sphere the media plays a galactically important role. The mainstream media takes one side, blatantly, backing and spurring on the mob and their coordinators.

At least, thanks be to God and to the resolve of a few, there is now an alternative media.
- In the secular sphere it began with talk radio.
- In the ecclesial sphere there were small publications and then EWTN.
- Now there is the great force multiplier, the internet.
We cannot easily be silenced and driven from the public square. It can still be done, but when it is done, people see the sheer imposition of power and will and the stink of it lingers in memory.

Meanwhile, all around us we see division, division and more satanic division.

This world has its Prince, as the Lord warned. This world’s Prince, the Enemy, the Devil and the Father of Lies, creates division.

Remember what the Italian proverb says: “Il diavolo non può nascondere la coda. … The devil can’t hide his tail.” Old Scratch always let’s us know what he is up to. Making it apparent makes us accomplices. We have choices about what we see in the activity of the demon around us. Moreover, “Il diavolo non gioca mai da solo. … The devil never plays alone.”

Remember too that certain sins attract and allow demons to attach to things, places and persons. Steps must be take to drive them off.

Each of us has power to effect healing.
- Our own calling is to manifest the image of God in which we are made in what we say and do.
- We have God-given vocations which call us to certain roles in life.
- If we are clean within, through good use of the sacraments and diligent prayer and action, God will give us every actual grace that we need.
This sort of person, fasting and kneeling and praying is a strong bulwark against the machinations of the Enemy.

Go to confession.

Also, I will repeat what I have said so many times before. Collectively we Catholics have a resource of ineffable influence on every dimension of human life to the edges of the globe and even beyond the doors of death.
- Our sacred liturgical worship is the mightiest activity there is, bar none, greater than galaxies.
- We must have a restoration and revitalization of our enervated and compromised sacred liturgical worship.
- We must restore its integrity and continuity and then bring every good human endeavor to it for sanctification. Then we can take our aspirations back out into the world.


The common thread in these seemingly unrelated posts is that they confirm the work of Satan that has become increasingly evident in this pontificate. The following posts have to do with what the pope was carrying at the opening Mass of the synodal assembly yesterday - not at all your typical bishop's crozier or ferula, even though it does feature a face that one must assume to be Christ, whose crucifixion is stylized by having a giant nail pass through his hands stretched upward rather than to the side.

I had never seen the word 'stang' until today, when quite a few bloggers noted that what the pope carried was a form of the witch's stang. A term about which you will find many recent articles on Google... After the Mass yesterday, Ann Barnhardt, whom I cite on these pages rarely and very judiciously, and who insists on referring to Bergoglio only as Anti-Pope, had two posts about it, as follows (I confess that for this post, I have suppressed Barnhardt's use of 'Anti-Pope' before Bergoglio's name, and also the adjective she used to describe Fr Rosica):

Stang given to pope by woman
wearing Wiccan red string bracelet

October 4, 2018

The red string bracelet is a very common talisman in witchcraft/Wicca and Kabbalah, which is basically a hybrid of Talmudic Judaism and witchcraft.

Here in the picture is the pope being presented with the stang he carried yesterday by two females at a “youth rally” at the Circus Maximus in Rome in August,
you can clearly see the woman on the left, holding the stang, is wearing the knotted red thread talisman bracelet.

Some references:
“The Red Thread (and the Initiatory Process)” – must read
“Red Thread on the Wrist”
Citations on this are practically endless.

The companion post goes farther, but considering that what appears to be a Christlike face appears carved on the cleft of the Y in this particular stang, Bergoglio and those around him may simply have considered it a stylized crucifix and may have no idea at all of what a stang is. So since it was presented to him at a pre-synod youth rally, he would have thought it appropriate to use it for the opening Mass of the event. Therefore, it was probably with no satanic or witchy-kitchy ideas in mind that the stang was used. In any case, if one goes by what the stang is supposed to be for witches, then the very fact that these young women decided to give the pope a stang in the guise of a crucifix probably manifests diabolical cleverness in managing to give Satan an overt place in a papal mass, no less. Satan in the guise of Jesus crucified, yet....

Satanists manifesting:
Bergoglio carries a stang –
the ritual staff of withcraft

As I have said and written before, one of satan’s most clever moves has been to foment, encourage and push mentally ill and demonically oppressed people to LOUDLY broadcast insane, ridiculous, totally false “conspiracy theories”. We all know the types and categories. Mind control beams, “chem trails”, shape shifting lizards, underground civilizations, flat earthers, the list goes on and on and on.

What this has done is make it almost impossible to point out, discuss, and warn about ACTUAL sinister goings-on and actual, honest-to-goodness conspiracies that are very real. We all know that the word “Freemasonry” in the U.S. is automatically lumped into the above category, even though in Europe Freemasonry is largely understood to be the extremely powerful and influential socio-political entity that it is, and many Europeans further understand that the core of Freemasonry is the desire to exterminate the Catholic Church and replace it with the one-world secular humanist political religion of Freemasonry.

Trying to warn about such things as the musloid political system gets one lumped in with “conspiracy theorists”, as does trying to warn about the massive infiltration, influence, power and agenda of the sodomite cabal, both in the secular realms of politics and entertainment, AND in terms of the infiltration of the Institutional Church.

Perhaps the most difficult actual conspiracy to discuss without being dismissed out of hand is the actual cult worship of satan. But, it is real, and it is manifesting before our eyes, so someone has to call these things out knowing full well that to do so means that 99.9999% of the populace will instantly call one a “crazy fool”. That’s fine. If fitting in to this culture constitutes sanity, then please God, let me never be sane.

Note the prominent iron nail, and the human form [I assumed the face was supposed to be that of Jesus] at the base of the fork. Textbook Stang.

It is a MORAL CERTAINTY that the stick that Bergoglio tried to pass off as a ferula yesterday in the Mass opening the Sin-nod on Sodomy is a “STANG”. Bergoglio said ts was a “gift” from “young people” who SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED that he use it in the opening Mass of the Sodo-synod. That story right there by itself is DAMN PECULIAR.

A Stang is a witch/warlock’s ceremonial staff. It is always forked, and always has an iron nail driven through it. Ideally it has a human form carved or integrated into it somehow. The Stang signifies several things, the first being a satan himself. Read the quote below from a witchcraft blog:

“Gary describes the Stang as primarily a symbolic tool rather than a working one, and as such it stands in for the Devil himself, holding his power and his dual nature. The Devil and the Stang is often less about strict duality and more about the transgressing of boundaries, The Devil being a spirit I often think of as non-binary and difficult to define in terms of absolutes.”

Almost like a… “god of surprises?”

Sounds familiar, eh? Like every Casa Santa Marta sermon, and every airplane presser? Yeah. That’s mild compared to this quote from the same article:

“The witch is bound to no dogma. This makes them a threat to a Christianity established on doctrine. The witch insists everything in creation has its place. The Church insisted on two contrary substances God and The Devil. The witch strives for synthesis.” - Nicholaj De Mattos Frisvold, Craft of The Untamed.

Let us revisit the quote of the Canadian priest Tom Rosica, who is, once again, the English language press spokesman for this Sodo-synod from just a few weeks ago:

“Pope Francis (sic) breaks Catholic traditions whenever he wants because he is “free from disordered attachments.” Our Church has indeed entered a new phase: with the advent of this first Jesuit pope (sic), it is openly ruled by an individual rather than by the authority of Scripture alone or even its own dictates of tradition plus Scripture. “
-Fr. Tom Rosica, Vatican press spokesman

Anyway, the iron nail in the Stang symbolizes multiple things, including a phallus/coitus, a mocking of the Crucifixion of Our Lord, and is the triple motif of the threefold serpentine, telluric and cainic “powers”.

The “serpentine” meaning is obvious – the devil himself, in the garden, “gifting” Adam and Eve with the “liberating” and “enlightening” words, “No, you shall not die the death. For God doth know that in what day soever you shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened: and you shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil.“

The word “telluric” refers to earthly power, whose source and symbol is “the serpent”, “deep in the earth”.

The third motif symbolized by the iron nail in the Stang is the Cainic “powers”. Now, hold on to your hats. Here’s the opening from the Wiki article on “Cainism”, and remember folks, we are talking about Cain, whose sacrifice God rejected and he thus murdered his brother Abel because as St. John teaches, “Cain slew Abel because his works were evil, while those of his brother were just (1 John 3:12), and we read in Hebrews that “by faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain” (Hebrews 11:4).”

The oldest source is to be found in Irenaeus, adv. Haer. i. 31. He tells us that the Cainites regarded Cain as derived from the higher principle. They claimed fellowship with Esau, Korah, the men of Sodom, and all such people, and regarded themselves as on that account persecuted by the Creator. But they escaped injury from Him, for Sophia used to carry away from them to herself that which belonged to her.

One thing I learned in researching the actual cult worship of satan once I learned about and confirmed that the Vatican is the nexus of satanism in the world today, is the fact that satanists are commanded, at some point once they have sufficient power, to openly MANIFEST their satanism.

If the Bergoglian antipapacy doesn’t constitute “having sufficient power”, then I don’t know what would.

I am morally certain that Bergoglio’s carrying of a Stang with the iron nail so prominently positioned, into the opening of a farce synod whose entire agenda is the ratification of sodomy, is a clear case of manifestation of satanism.

And if that makes me a conspiracy theorist, so be it. Some conspiracies are real.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O prince of the Heavely Host, by the power of God, cast into hell satan and all evil spirits who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Christopher Ferrara, apparently, unaware of stangs and such, simply sees a metaphor for the pontificate and the current synod in the forkec staff...

A forked staff: Perfect symbol for
the synod on youth and blah,blah,blah

by Chris Ferrara

October 4, 2018

As one website observes, when the Antichrist arrives to preach his lies among men, seducing “(if it were possible) even the elect” (Mk 13:22), his forked tongue “will have the eloquence of angels, his honeyed words will pierce to the very heart of those who hear him. His arguments and positions will be so well presented that even those who recognize him will be hard pressed to resist what he has to say.”

The Antichrist will make the devil’s ultimate sales pitch. For now, however, the forked tongue belongs to lesser voices, lacking all eloquence and nuance, including those who will be spouting empty demagogic slogans and emotivist rubbish at the Synod of Youth and Blah, Blah, Blah now underway in Occupied Rome.

We have heard it all before at the last phony Synod, which was merely a disguise for what Francis wanted from the beginning and shamelessly passed off as the voice of the Holy Ghost. And now — bearing a forked staff, appropriately enough — Francis has said it all again in his homily at the beginning of this elaborate stage show for further subversion of the Church: [Ferrara goes on to quote a substantial chunk of that homily, which I will omit here because it is the usual Bergoglio blather that is almost embarrassing in its phoniness.]

Here we go again: “prophesy and vision,” “dreams and hopes,” “see their situations,” eschewing “conformism,” moving beyond what is “secondary,” freedom from “prejudice and conditioning,” rejecting “moralistic or elitist postures” versus “the realities of our people.”

In other words: another poisonous dose of situation ethics to follow the recent scandal of “permission” for Holy Communion to be administered to people who intend to continue engaging in sexual relations within “second marriages” which constitute “none other than disgraceful and base concubinage, repeatedly condemned by the Church,” to quote Blessed Pope Pius IX.

This preposterous sham of a Synod features the attendance of two communist Chinese bishops handpicked by Beijing from the ranks of the Catholic Patriotic Association, which, following the Vatican sellout of the Underground Church, promptly declared its “independence” from Rome.

Francis ludicrously declared in his homily that the attendance of these puppets of Beijing and its “independent” pseudo-Church means that “the communion of the entire Episcopate with the Successor of Peter is yet more visible thanks to their presence.”

The inevitable outcome of this sham (barring a veritable miracle) will be a further erosion of the Church’s moral foundations under the specious pretext of an expression of the “ordinary Magisterium” that takes into account “situations” and “concrete realities” — as if reality and morality were somehow opposed, when in fact it is conformity to God’s moral law that leads a soul to the reality of true freedom.

God help us. God rescue us. Holy Mother of God, intercede for us and obtain for the Church that holy and courageous Pope who will put an end to this utter madness by doing at long last what You requested of the Roman Pontiff nearly a century ago at Tuy: the Consecration of Russia to Your Immaculate Heart.
[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 08/10/2018 21:45]