00 03/09/2018 14:36

Bergoglianity, Bergoglianism, whatever you call his insidious faith-wrecking anti-Catholicism, this man is its source and summit.

Fr H uses the term 'Bergoglianity', which means the quality of being Bergoglian. I have always used the term Bergoglianism, because more than
just being a 'quality', being Bergoglian has become an ideology among its fanatic practitioners.

The heart of Bergoglianity

September 2, 2018

The heart of the Bergoglianist error is, in my fallible opinion, to be found in such texts as the letter Archbishop Nichols wrote last year to PF, assuring him that English Catholics believe that his election was the work of the Holy Spirit [not in my name, Vincent], and that the Holy Spirit guides him daily [ditto]; vide similar statements by now-Cardinal Farrell linking the Pope to the Holy Spirit ... Mgr Pio of the Rota ... ...

Now one of the Church's leading and most extreme hyperultrapapalists, the papolatrous Cardinal Maradiaga, has encapsulated that error in a single lucid sentence and, in so doing, has pushed the error a few notches further up the scale ... or even, you may feel, off the scale. Here are his reported words:
"To ask for the resignation of the pope is, in my opinion, a sin against the Holy Spirit, who ultimately is the guide of the Church."

I need not remind you that the "sin against the Holy Spirit" is, according to the words of the Lord, the unforgivable sin: unforgivable both in this world and in the next (Mt 12:31 sqq et parr).

Not even, apparently, merely a sin canonically reserved to the Holy See. A sin ... unforgivable!

As PF's grip on power becomes ever more threatened, it is natural that his cronies should become daily more extreme in their desperate rhetoric designed to protect their unfortunate and profoundly flawed hero.

But to say that calling on him to resign is a sin against the Holy Spirit goes even further than I had feared possible.

I wrote recently, "They are running scared and they will become very dangerous".

When I wrote this I had no idea just how scared and how dangerous. Is there anything they will stop at?

V is for ...
A distinguished brother priest has sent me a picture of Churchill giving his "V for Victory" sign, together with a suggestion that V stands both for Victory and for Vigano.

This simple gesture could be used at Papal Public Audiences, Diocesan synods, Deanery meetings; whenever a speaker (or homilist) says something implicitly critical of Archbishop Vigano ...

Fr Z, reporting Fr H's post on Bergoglianity, comments:

Wherein Fr Hunwicke
identifies a serious problem

September 3, 2018

...Think of what they [the Bergogliac hyperultrapapolators] are saying:

Francis does something like change a paragraph of the CCC so that it says something that the Church has never before said and, indeed, appears to contradict directly what the Church has taught on the matter and, when people raise objections or ask questions, his supporters say that they sin against the Holy Spirit.

Francis teaches something in an encyclical which seems to say that people in the state of mortal sin should be admitted to Communion – which no saint or theologian in their right mind would have suggested in centuries past – or that they cannot live up to the ideas of morality that the Church teaches and, when people object, they are accused of sin against the Holy Spirit.

Ratzinger once answered that the role of the Holy Spirit in the conclave was not to be the Super Elector of the new Pontiff, but rather to ensure that the decision the poor little mortals make will not be total disaster for the Church.

The Holy Spirit did not control the Evangelists with automatic writing. Neither does the Holy Spirit impose Popes. Or would the papaltrous require us to believe that the Holy Spirit imposed Sergius III, John XII or Alexander VI?

Do we sin against the Holy Spirit – unforgivably – if we insist that men chose every Pope after Peter and that the Third Person made sure they couldn’t destroy the Church?

The Holy Spirit surely is at work in the Church and He without question offers assistance to us all, each according to our vocations.

However, those who claim “sin against the Holy Spirit” against their opponents or critics should be aware that what they are doing is weaponizing the Holy Spirit, instrumentalizing God, which is not to be tolerated.

God is not mocked (Galatians 6:7).

If you are one of those who claim that to resist anything Francis does is sinning against the Holy Spirit, you had better look carefully into your own soul. You’ve gone too far.

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 03/09/2018 15:12]