00 06/07/2018 06:25
In the post above, we saw how a Brazilian professor anthologized interviews with Cardinal Ratzinger under the unifying title of "Being Christian in a neo-pagan world".
And a neo-pagan, anti-Christian world is what the Vatican has turned into under Bergoglio.

Towards a 'Christ-free' church?
by Riccardo Cascioli
Translated from

July 5, 2018

Today and tomorrow, a huge international conference is taking place at the Vatican to highlight the third anniversary of the Bergoglio encyclical Laudato Si.

The conference is entitled «Saving our Common Home and the Future of Life on Earth», organized by the new Dicastery for Integral Human Development, along with Caritas International and a group called Global Catholic Climate Movement. [How’s that for a clunky title – is there such a thing as ‘Catholic climate’?]

Taking part are politicians, scientists, economists, representatives of various NGOs (non-governmental organizations), all true believers and advocates of ecologism and the ‘battle’ against climate change.

I will not get into the content of the conference – as this is something I have written about many times, even recently. But I believe it is worth underscoring a curious detail that made the news during the media conference to introduce the event.

Inasmuch as “it is necessary to lead by setting a good example” – explained the officials of the Dicastery, the conference too will underscore ‘good practices”, and the Dicastery proudly announced that it is the first Vatican office to be ‘plastic-free’.

Plastic seeming to be the current Public Enemy Number 1, the Dicastery has banned its use within the dicastery offices – employees and officials alike are enjoined to bring their own glassware and silverware from home. And since Catholics are supposed to be ‘missionary’ by nature, the dicastery looks to extend this initiative to all the other Vatican offices.

But that’s not all. Since the desire for good is infinite, the secretary of what is, in effect, the Vatican’s ecologism dicastery, added that the objective is for the Vatican to be ‘carbon neutral’, i.e., free of carbon dioxide emissions, since CO2 has been identified by the climate-change warriors as the principal cause of ‘global warming’. [How pathetic these pre-fabricated formulations are that make up the non-arguments of the climate-change fanatics!]

So are we then going to have the monsigors and other officials of the dicastery engaged in quantifying the CO2 emissions of everyone at the Vaticanwith a view to reducing and making up for these emissions? [Given that all living human beings inhale oxygen and exhale CO2 continuously, just imagine the CO2 emissions from Bergoglio alone with his non-stop loquacity!] I will refrain from the facile ironies brought up by considering how to reduce the emissions of these monsignors and their fellow prelates, to get to the heart of the matter.

Assuming but not conceding that this theory of manmade global warming is correct, should the Catholic Church serve to launch any ecologistic campaigns? Is it for this that Christ instituted his Church? To liberate man from the use of plastics? Is the mission of the Church to ‘save the planet’ rather than to save man from eternal damnation?

One cannot help being upset to listen to cardinals and bishops at the Vatican speaking the language of the World Wildlife Fund and the various UN agencies, which are driven by neo-pagan ideologies and global political projects that have the stamp of Freemasonry [and therefore anti-Catholicism] all over them.

It is most disconcerting to hear the hierarchy make prophecies about ending the use of plastics, the use of solar panels for energy, and sorting waste for recycling. It is as if Christian witness has been reduced to ‘good works’ and ‘setting good examples’, but all in a secular context.

One has the impression that, at certain levels of the Church hierarchy today, what they really want is not just to be ‘plastic-free’ to be ‘Christ-free’ in which Christ would be an obstacle that hinders reaching out to others!

A WWF official has in fact commented that in the title of this conference, as in the Bergoglio encyclical, the choice was made to speak about ‘our common home’, not of ‘Creation’ which is the religious term.

“The choice not to use the religions term in the title is the first sign of a great opening toards dialog with all men of goodwill”, the WWF official said.

Indeed, the church of Bergoglio has chosen not to speak of ‘Creation’ which has its own hierarchical order. It chooses not to speak of a Creator God who motivates our responsibility towards all Creation. Because to do so would be divisive.

Instead, let us talk of biodiversity, of plants and animals to be saved, of plastics and other non-biodegradables that must be banned. This way, everyone will understand!

But if it has come to this point, then it is evident that the choice of the church [of Bergoglio] is to be free of Christ.

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 07/07/2018 21:26]