00 02/03/2018 03:20

The new Vatican stamp - for Easter, mind you! - appears to be:
1) the latest unabashed public demonstration of homoerotic self-indulgence at the Bergoglio Vatican - or maybe, it's just a fascination with the male form and beefcake poses the same way normal men fantasize on the female form and cheesecake poses. The new stamp does recall uncomfortably the musclebound naked man in the Gaytivity scene in St. Peter's Square last Christmas; and
2) yet another example of the Vatican Philately Division's questionable taste and judgment on the illustrations they choose for their stamps (the travesty of the Crucifixion scene with Luther and Melancthon replacing Mary and St. John at the foot of the Cross, that the Vatican issued to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Luther's schism).

Who is responsible for these execrable examples? Should the Pontifical Council of Culture not have a say in any such 'cultural' manifestations from the Vatican? (On second thought, even if it did, its president, Cardinal Ravasi - whose main ambition seems to be to show just how 'cool' and 'groovy' he is with contemporary culture - probably applauds all this kowtowing to the dominant gay ethos of our day!)

Do we just turn a blind eye to these folies bergogliennes? Because I don't think the Vatican would issue any stamp whose design was not at first presented to the pope for his approval - the 'Reformation' stamp surely would have been! And we know he approved the Gaytivity enterprise incorporating the corporal works of mercy into the Nativity tableau, and so he may have seen the sketches and/or mock-ups for the project, and gave it his full and uncoditional approval nonetheless. Not a thing was changed in that appalling tableau despite all the criticisms.

After all, did this pope ever censure his Academy for Life president, Mons. Paglia, not just for having a homo-erotic mural painted in the Cathedral of Terni, but for being depicted in the mural himself among the homosexuals hauled up in a net towards the Lord at the Last Judgment? One would have to be extremely naive to ignore the impact of such a public self-confession by one of the leading prelates of the church of Bergoglio.

On top of two consummately pro-active promoters of the LGBT cause like Fathers Thomas Rosica and James Martin among the Vatican's top communications 'experts'. Can Bergoglio say that priests (and cardinals like Schoenborn) who go around saying the Catechism of the Church should be changed to accommodate the various deviant lifestyles of the LGBTQwhatever community are 'seeking the will of God', when they are instead trying to subvert it to their own will?

Yet this is only the visible tip of the iceberg which, for convenience, has been called 'the gay lobby' in the Vatican! Kyrie eleison!