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On Vatican II:
A letter from Viganò and
a lecture by Brandmueller
Who is right?

Translated from

July 6, 2020

I have received a letter from Abp. Carlo Maria Viganò in reply to my recent blogpost regarding his most recent critique [and most extreme] of Vatican II, to which I shall make four brief observations before I publish it below.

The first observation is the archbishop’s accusation that Benedict XVI had ‘deceived’ the entire Church about Vatican II. It is true that Viganò never says the name. But it is very evident that when he identifies the ‘deception’ as to tell the faithful that Vatican II should be read in continuity with the true teaching of the Church, the first one who stands accused would be the man who has been the most authoritative advocate of this hermeneutic, namely, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI.

The second has to do with my ‘tribute to the Prince’. I confess my disappointment. I am kowtowing neither to the Terza Loggia [the third floor of the Apostolic Palace which contains the offices of the Secretariat of State and the papal apartment, among others] nor to my publisher. I had expected to be accused of something worse. Like belonging to the ‘New World Order’ above which there could be no higher power in Viganò’s worldview of the present.

The third has to do with the phrase I used - ‘on the verge of schism’. I am not surprised that Viganò rejects being described that way. It is always that way. Whoever wishes to detach himself from the Church believes that it is others who do not think as he does who are schismatic, whereas he stands firmly in the truth.

The fourth observation has to do with the conflicts regarding Vatican II. Viganò cites a passage from Cardinal Ratzinger’s memoir to illustrate this. But to have a better idea of how Benedict XVI lived and interpreted the conflicts, the address [Extemporaneous, it lasted almost an hour, and was a masterful analysis of the ‘true Council’ versus ‘the council of the media’ which has prevailed in the public opinion] that he gave to the clergy of Rome on February 14, 2013, three days after announcing his renunciation of the Papacy, is indispensable. It was a virtual memorandum for the future.

Having said that, here is Viganò’s letter. This time, I am appending after it, a recent lecture given by Cardinakl Walther Brandmueller in Rome, which was a true lectio magistralis that was more historical than theological, and which Inpost here with his authorization.


Dear Magister,

Allow me to reply to your article “Abp Viganò on the verge of schism”, published on June 29.

I am well aware that having dared to express a strongly critical opinion of Vatican II would suffice to revive the inquisitorial spirit that would otherwise be execrated by conformists. [Magister’s post was not ‘inquisitorial’ in any way!] Nonetheless, in a respectful discussion between ecclesiastics and competent laymen, I do not think it is inappropriate to bring up the problems which remain unresolved to this day, first of all, the crises afflicting the Church following Vatican II, which has reached a point of devastation.

There are those who speak of the misinterpretation of the Council; some, on the need to read it in continuity with Tradition; some, on the opportunity to correct errors contained in the Council documents, or to interpret the equivocations in the texts in the Catholic sense. On the other hand, we do not lack for those who consider Vatican II as a guide for proceeding towards a revolution, change, the transformation of the Church into a new modern entity that is in step with the times.

All this is part of the normal dynamics in a dialogue which is too often invoked but rarely practiced. Those who have expressed dissent so far from the statements I have made on Vatican II have never entered into the merits of the issue, but have limited themselves to labelling me with epithets that some more illustrious and venerable among my brothers have previously merited. [From my limited exposure to the Catholic media I regularly check on, I am actually surprised that I have only seen Magister 'dissenting' from Vigano's sweeping denunciation of Vatican II in toto.]

And it is curious that, whether in the doctrinal or political area, the progressivists claim primacy, as though they had been elected to consider their adversary as ontologically inferior, unworthy of attention and response, but simplistically dismissed as Lefebvrian in church terms or fascist in social terms.

But lack of arguments does not legitimize them to dictate the rules nor to decide who has the right to speak out, especially when reason, before faith, is able to show where the deception is, who is responsible for it, and for what purpose. [As intolerant as the 'spiritists' may typically be of anyone who does not share their worldview, there has been no lack of open dissent to their perversion of Vatican II in the past 55 years since Vatican II ended.]

Initially, it seemed to me that the content of your article was to be considered as an understandable tribute to the Prince, whether he is to be found in the frescoed salas of the Terza Loggia or in your publisher’s office. And yet, on reading what you attributed to me, I found an ‘inexactitude’, let us call it so, which I hope was the result of a misunderstanding.

You state that I accused Benedict XVI of "having deceived the entire Church, leading the faithful to believe that Vatican II was immune from heresies but must rather be read in perfect continuity with the true doctrine as it has always been”.

I don’t think I ever wrote anything like that about the Holy Father. [Oops! Purists will question Viganò's reference to Benedict XVI as 'the Holy Father'. Intentional?] On the contrary, I wrote, and I reaffirm it, that all of us, or nearly all, were deceived by those who used the Council as a ‘container’ endowed with implicit authority and the authoritativeness of the Council Fathers who took part, but perverting their purpose. And those who fell for the deception did so because, loving the Church and the Pope, they could not believe that in the heart of the Vatican itself, there could be a minority of very well-organized conspirators who would and could use the Council to demolish the Church herself, from within, and who in doing so, could count on the silence and inaction, if not the complicity, of [the highest] Church authorities. These are historical facts, of which you will allow me this personal reading which I believe can be shared by others. [In his June 9 letter that sparked this new round of Vatican II debate, Viganò did number himself among "those who fell for the deception". In this case, he is self-admittedly very much a carlo-come-lately among the passionate opponents of Vatican II, so it is difficult to see how he can be so sanctimonious about Joseph Ratzinger/Benedic tXVI in the following paragraph.]

Allow me also to remind you, if it is necessary, that Benedict XVI’s moderate critical reading of Vatican II from the traditional viewpoint is part of an admirable but recent past, whereas in the 1960s, the position of then theologian Joseph Ratzinger was something else. Authoritative studies are available alongside admissions by the then professor at Tuebingen confirming the Emeritus Pope’s partial regrets.

[So Viganò describes Benedict XVI’s position on Vatican II as one of ‘partial regrets’! I do not understand why Viganò would refer to whatever Ratzinger may have written in ‘the 1960s’ (Vatican II lasted from 1962-1965. The young Ratzinger did draft Cardinal Frings’s 1962 Genoa statement on what he hoped the Council would achieve – a statement John XXIII would tell Frings captured exactly what he wanted from the Council, and which, in effect, became the springboard for the Council to jettison the prepared conservative schema (talking points) framed by a Vatican commission under Cardinal Ottaviani for a more ‘forward-looking’ agenda.

In any case, I would urge Mons. Viganò to read a most enlightening lecture given in April 2005 by a Jesuit, Fr. Jared Wicks, when Joseph Ratzinger became Pope.,%2007s,%20Yama,%20Prof.%20Ratzinger%20at%20Vatican%20II....pdf
Wicks came to know him in Muenster just before Vatican II began, having applied to do his doctoral dissertation under Prof Ratzinger. The latter had to decline because he was leaving for Vatican II, but passed him on to another theologian. While pursuing his doctorate, Wicks had occasion to attend Ratzinger’s lectures in Muenster during the Council years, when he would be back from the October-December council sessions to teach his winter semester classes and he told his students what was happening in the Council.

Wicks’s lecture – he assembled the material when it became clear that Joseph Ratzinger would most likely be elected the next pope - has the most complete account I have seen of what exactly Joseph Ratzinger did and wrote while being theological adviser to Cardinal Frings of Cologne and from the first year of the Council, also one of its accredited theological periti (experts). His positions, it appears, were always moderate, and as early as 1966, he published 'Theological Highlights of Vatican II', about which Wicks says: ”In this interpretation of Vatican II, a typical remark is his critical assessment of the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church and its Ch. III on the collegiality of the bishops.

Not everything has been achieved that one might have hoped for. Much remains incomplete and fragmentary, and even what has been achieved, such as the doctrine on collegiality of bishops, is more properly termed a beginning than an end .... We must go even one step further and say that everything a Council decides can only serve as a beginning; its real importance is only achieved in its translation into the realities of everyday Church life."

He was ever the realist – so it is not surprising that in 1985, 20 years after the Council ended, he would publish THE RATZINGER REPORT, his interview book with Vittorio Messori, in which he looks back at the dreary panorama of post-Vatican II developments undermining the Catholic faith and the Church. A book which earned both him and Messori death threats for months by all the elements in the Church, especially in Italy, who felt themselves to be the targets of the cardinal’s denunciations. Mons. Viganò, it seems, overlooks this too, and his comment above makes it appear that Joseph Ratzinger’s ‘second thoughts’ about the undesirable consequences of Vatican II only began rather late in the day. As his own did, much much later.

Nor do I see what you call the “temerarious accusation unleashed by Vigano against Benedict XVI for his failed attempts to correct post-conciliar excesses by invoking the hermeneutic of continuity”, because this opinion is widely shared not only in conservative circles but also and especially among the progressivists. [In short, he does fault Benedict XVI for failing to ‘correct post-conciliar excesses’ – how was he supposed to do it, singlehandedly? If even Viganò admits that until recently, he too believed in Vatican II, or what he was told about Vatican II?]

And it must be said that what the innovators succeeded to obtain through deception, astuteness and extortions was the result of a vision which was then found applied to the maximum in the Bergoglian 'magisterium’ of Amoris Laetitia. Their fraudulent intention was admitted by Ratzinger himself:

The impression grew steadily that nothing was now stable in the Church, that everything was open to revision. More and more the Council appeared to be like a great Church parliament, that could change everything and reshape everything according to its own desires. (cfr. J. Ratzinger, “La mia vita”, traduzione dal tedesco di Giuseppe Reguzzoni, Cinisello Balsamo, Edizioni San Paolo, 1997, pp. 99).

[How is that an admission by Ratzinger of the council’s ‘fraudulent intention’? He was stating the obvious about how the ‘spiritists’ had hijacked Vatican II to ‘change everything and reshape everything according to its (their) desires”.]

But the admission was even more open from the Dominican Edward Schillebeecks who said: “Now we are stating [our intentions] diplomatically, but after the Council, we shall follow the implicit consequences” (“De Bazuin” n. 16, 1965).

We have confirmation that the intended ambiguity of [some] texts had the precise purpose of holding together opposing and irreconcilable visions, in the name of utility, and to the detriment of revealed Truth. A Truth which, when proclaimed in its entirety, cannot be other than divisive, just as our Lord is divisive: “Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth?v No, I tell you, but rather division” (Lk 12, 51).

I don’t think there is anything reproachable in suggesting that we should all simply forget Vatican II: Its own champions have known how to exercise a damnatio memoriae effortlessly not just with one Council, but for all the other Councils before it, since they claim that Vatican II is the first ecumenical council of a new church, and that their council had brought an end to the old religion and the old Mass.

You will say that this is the position of extremists, and that virtue is somewhere in between the extremists and those who consider Vatican II as simply the last in an uninterrupted series of events in which the Holy Spirit speaks through the only Magisterium which is infallible. If that were so, it must be explained why the conciliar church gave itself a new liturgy and a new church calendar, and consequently, a new doctrine - “nova lex orandi, nova lex credendi” – disdainfully distancing itself from the past [the Church ‘as it was’ before Vatican II].

The very idea of setting Vatican II aside provokes scandal even in those, who like you, who recognize the crisis of the past several years, but obstinately refuse to see the causal link between Vatican II and its logical and inevitable effects. You write: “Attention! Not the Council misinterpreted, but the Council as such and in whole”.

I ask you then: What would be the correct interpretation of the Council? That which you give it, or that of its very diligent artificers who already knew how they would interpret it even while they were writing the various conciliar decrees and declarations? Or perhaps, the interpretation of the German episcopate? Or that of the theologians who teach in the pontifical universities of Rome and whose writings are published in Catholic periodicals around the world? Or that of Joseph Ratzinger? Or of Mons. Schneider? Or of Bergoglio?

[But there is a fundamental difference among the different ’sources’ of interpretation that he cites!
- On the one hand, there are the two popes, who, de jure, define the Magisterium of the Church during their respective pontificates, with the age-old limitation that this magisterium should always proclaim and never stray from the deposit of faith, a limitation that, of course, the reigning pope has consistently ignored to proclaim his personal opinions as Magisterium.
- Likewise, a pope is dutybound to honor the decrees and declarations promulgated by an ecumenical council, namely a pope and the bishops of the world that take part in the council, unless and until another such council abrogates or corrects those decrees and declarations. In interpreting Vatican II, both John Paul II and Benedict XVI upheld the principle that its decrees and declarations, even where ambiguous (deliberately so, or otherwise), should be interpreted according to the deposit of faith.
- Whereas Bergoglio has far outdone even his fellow progressivists who since 1965 (this includes the other categories Vigano cites - the artificers of the Vatican II ambiguities, the German episcopate, the uber-liberal theologians of the pontifical universities – and all who think like them) have relentlessly pushed their idea of Vatican II as the birth of a ‘new church’ and a rejection, if not total eradication, of what for centuries the Church has stood for and which it continues to stand for in the ‘conservative’ interpretation of Vatican II.

This suffices to understand how much damage has been caused by the very act of employing language so equivocal as to ‘legitimize’ opposing and contradictory interpretations, on which basis those who fostered the equivocation proclaimed what they called a conciliar springtime for the Church. That is why I do not hesitate to say that Vatican II ought to be forgotten – “as it is and in its entirety” – and I claim the right to say so without making myself culpable of schism for threatening the unity of the Church. [A most quixotic idea, but at best, impracticable and undoable - and won't erase or minimize the inestimable damage that has already been done to the faith and the Church. So how does that help anything?]

The unity of the Church is inseparably found in Charity and Truth, but where error reigns or even merely twists the Truth, there can be no Charity.

The pretty fable on hermeneutics – especially authoritative because of its author – nonetheless remains an attempt to give conciliar dignity to a true and proper ‘ambush’ against the Church, so as not to discredit the popes who desired that council, then proposed and re-proposed it. So much so that those same popes, one after the other, have been raised to the honor of the altars for having been ‘popes of the council’.

[It certainly is unfortunate that John XXII, Paul VI and John Paul II happened to be canonized by the reigning pope, which casts a question on their canonization such as Vigano raises. Fairly or unfairly, this throws into question whether individually, they had the attributes of holiness required of those beatified or canonized by the Church, even if none of them was devoid of their share of personal and official errors. It also unfairly lumps three distinctly diverse personalities in one basket.]

Allow me to cite a passage from the article of Prof Maria Guarini in response to your article, and published June 29 on Chiesa e post-concilio, entitled “Mons. Viganò is not on the verge of schism: All the chickens are [simply] coming home to roost”:

“It is precisely from this that dialog between the deaf arose and threatens to go on – to no avail (so far, other than the debate provoked by Mons. Viganò), because the interlocutors use dffferent readings of diverse realities: Vatican II, by changing the language, also changed the parameters of approaching reality. They end up speaking of the same thing to which, however, they give different meanings. Among other things, the principal characteristic of the present Church hierarchy is the use of apodictic affirmations [i.e., ‘clearly established and without dispute’] without ever bothering to demonstrate them or doing so with weak and sophistic demonstrations. But there is no need for demonstrations anyway, because the new approach and the new language have subverted everything aborigine.

And what has not been demonstrated about anomalous ‘pastorality’ devoid of defined theological principles is precisely that which deprives us of the material to dispute. It is the advance of inchoate, fluid, and ever dissolving affirmations in place of clear, unequivocal, definitive, truthful constructs: the incandescent perennial solidity of dogma against the sewage and shifting sands of the transient neo-magisterium.”

I continue to hope that the tone of your article was not dictated by the simple fact of my having dared to reopen the debate on that Council, that many, too many in the ecclesial structure, consider an unicum in the history of the Church, almost an untouchable idol.

Be assured that, unlike many bishops, such as those of the German ‘Synodal Path’ who have already gone far beyond the verge of schism – by promoting and shamelessly claiming to impose worldly ideologies and aberrant practices on the Church – I have no desire to separate myself from Mother Church, for whose exaltation, I renew the offer of my life daily.

“Deus refugium nostrum et virtus,
populum ad Te clamantem propitius respice;
Et intercedente Gloriosa et Immaculata Virgine Dei Genitrice Maria,
cum Beato Ioseph, ejus Sponso,
ac Beatis Apostolis Tuis, Petro et Paulo, et omnibus Sanctis,
quas pro conversione peccatorum,
pro libertate et exaltatione Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae,
preces effundimus, misericors et benignus exaudi”.

[“O God, our refuge and our strength, look down with mercy upon the people who cry to Thee; and by the intercession of the glorious and immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of Saint Joseph her spouse, of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and of all the saints, in Thy mercy and goodness hear our prayers for the conversion of sinners, and for the liberty and exaltation of the Holy Mother the Church.”
From the Prayers at the end of Low Mass by Pope Leo XIII]

Accept, dear Sandro, my salutatory blessing as I wish you everything that is good, in Christ Jesus.

Carlo Maria Viganò
July 3, 2020
Feast of St. Irinaeus, Bishop and Martyr

It turns out that Marco Tosatti has posted an English translation of the Brandmueller lecture on Vatican II on his blog, so I will post that now.

Difficulties in interpreting Vatican II
by Cardinal Walter Brandmüller
Address by the former President of
the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences to
the Ecclesia Mater School, Rome, June 2020

Translated by Giuseppe Pellegrino for

July 7, 2020

The fact that in the interpretation of conciliar documents differing opinions may be reached is certainly not a novelty for the history of the councils. Formulating truths of the faith means expressing the unspeakable mystery of divine truth in a human language. However, it is and remains a bold undertaking, one which Saint Augustine once compared to a child attempting to empty the sea with a bucket.

And in this undertaking even an ecumenical council cannot do much more than that child.

There is therefore nothing strange if even the infallible doctrinal affirmations of a council or a pope are able to define revealed truth – and thus delimit it with respect to error – but never grasp the fullness of divine truth.

This is the essential fact that we must not lose sight of in the face of the difficulties of interpretation presented to us by Vatican II. In order to illustrate them, we will limit ourselves to those conciliar texts that have been perceived as particularly difficult by so-called traditionalist circles.

First of all, however, it is good to take a look at the particularities that distinguish Vatican II from the preceding ecumenical councils.

In this regard, there is a premise to be laid down: To the historian of the council, Vatican II appears, under many aspects, to be above all a council of superlatives.
- We begin with the observation that in the history of the Church no other council was prepared for so intensely as was Vatican II. True, the council that preceded it was also very well prepared for when it opened on December 8, 1869. Probably the theological quality of the preparatory schemas was even superior to that of the council that followed it. It is however impossible to ignore that the number of ideas and proposals sent from all over the world, as well as the way in which they were elaborated, was greater than all that had been seen [in the history of councils] up until then.

The fact that Vatican II was a council of superlatives [superlatives can be either best or worst!] emerged conspicuously on October 11, 1962, when an immense number of bishops – two thousand four hundred forty – entered in procession into Saint Peter’s Basilica. If Vatican I, with its approximately 642 Fathers, found enough space in the right transept of the Basilica, now the entire central nave was transformed into the synodal aula.

In the approximately one hundred intervening years between the two councils, the Church had become, as now emerged visibly in the most impressive way, a universal Church not only in name but also in fact. This reality was now reflected in the number of 2,440 Fathers and their countries of origin.

In addition, for the first time in history a council was able to vote with the help of electronic technology, and the acoustical problems that had still bothered the participants at Vatican I were no longer even mentioned.

And while we are talking about modern means of communication: prior to then it had never happened, as it did in 1962, that about one thousand journalists from all over the world were accredited to the council. This made Vatican II the most well-known council of all time, a media event of the first degree.

It was also, however, a council of superlatives in a very particular way with regard to its results. Of the 1,135 pages that compose the compiled edition of decrees of all the councils generally held to be ecumenical, twenty-one in all, Vatican II alone has given us 315 pages, or well over a quarter of the total. Therefore, it certainly occupies a special place in the series of all the ecumenical councils, even if we are only using the most material and external criteria.

Apart from all this, there are however other particularities that distinguish Vatican II from the councils that preceded it, for example regarding the functions of an ecumenical council. The councils are supreme teachers, supreme legislators, supreme judges, under and with the pope, to whom these roles pertain even without a council. Not all councils have performed this function.

If, for example, the First Council of Lyons, in 1245, with the excommunication and deposition of the Emperor Frederick II, acted as a court and moreover passed laws, by contrast Vatican I did not hold trials nor promulgate any laws but decided exclusively on doctrinal matters.

The Council of Vienne of 1311-12, instead, both passed judgment and issued laws, and also decided on doctrinal questions.

The same holds for the Council of Constance in 1414-18 and the Council of Basel-Ferrara-Florence of 1431-1439.

Vatican II instead did not pronounce any judgments, did not truly issue any laws, and it did not even take any definitive decisions on questions of faith.

Rather, it effectively gave shape to a new type of council, intending itself as a pastoral council, thus concerned with the care of souls, aimed at making known to the world of that time the teaching and instruction of the Gospel in a more attractive and orienting way. In particular, it did not express any doctrinal condemnation.

John XXIII, in his discourse for the solemn opening of the council, spoke expressly: “There is no time in which the Church has not opposed these errors; she often condemned them, at times with the greatest severity. With regard to the present time, […] she prefers to use the medicine of mercy […]; she thinks that she ought to go to meet the needs of today, expressing more clearly the value of her teaching more than condemning.”

[The fallacy of his aspirational statement, of course, has never been more obvious. The progressivist go-getters of Vatican II both
1) never 'expressed the value of her teaching' - because they did not value anything but their own ideas of what the church ought to teach; and
2) distinguished themselves by their no-holds-barred condemnation of most of the Church's articles of faith, as well as all those Catholics who chose and choose to abide by the deposit of faith as it was till the Vatican II 'spiritists' trashed it mercilessly.

Well, as we know fifty years after its conclusion, the council would have written a glorious page if, following in the footsteps of Pius XII, it had found the courage to make a repeated and clearly expressed condemnation of communism.

The fear of pronouncing doctrinal condemnations and dogmatic definitions, instead, made it so that at the end of the council there was the impression that some of the conciliar affirmations had a higher degree of authenticity, and thus a completely different binding character.

Thus, for example, the Constitution Lumen Gentium on the Church and Dei Verbum on Divine Revelation undoubtedly have the nature and binding character of authentic doctrinal teachings – although here too nothing was defined in a binding way, strictly speaking - while for example the Declaration on Religious Liberty Dignitatis Humanae “takes a position on these questions of the time without a clear normative content,” according to [German theologian] Klaus Mörsdorf [1909-1989].

In fact, this applies to disciplinary documents, which regulate pastoral practice. The binding character of the conciliar texts is thus of varying degrees.

Taking a further step, the question must then be asked about the relationship between Vatican II and the entire Tradition of the Church. We may find an answer by analyzing how much, or how little, the conciliar texts have drawn from the Tradition. In this sense, as an example, it is enough to examine the Constitution Lumen Gentium. It is sufficient to glance at the notes of the text.
- It can thus be seen that ten previous councils are quoted by the document.
- Among these, Vatican I is referred to 12 times, and Trent 16 times. From this it is already clear that, for example, any idea of “distancing from Trent” is absolutely excluded.
- The relationship with Tradition appears even closer if we think of how, among the popes, Pius XII is cited 55 times, Leo XIII on 17 occasions, and Pius XI in 12 passages. To these are added Benedict XIV, Benedict XV, Pius IX, Pius X, Innocent I and Gelasius.
- The most impressive aspect, however, is the presence of the Fathers in the text of Lumen Gentium. The council refers to the teaching of the Fathers a full 44 times, including Augustine, Ignatius of Antioch, Cyprian, John Chrysostom and Irenaeus.
- Furthermore, the great theologians and doctors of the Church are cited: Thomas Aquinas in 12 passages, along with seven other heavyweights.

This list alone is enough to illustrate how much the Fathers of Vatican II intended to place themselves in the current of the Tradition, integrated into that process of receiving and handing on that is the raison d’etre of the Church: “I received from the Lord what I in turn have handed on to you,” says the Apostle. It is evident that also under this aspect we cannot speak of a new beginning of the Church, or thus of a new Pentecost.

[That may be so, but one supposes that the progressivists went along with it as part of their great sham game, to give the majority of the Council Fathers a false sense of security that they were, in fact, protecting and reaffirming the deposit of faith, despite the many semantic compromises they signed on to in the name of conciliar unity.]

This leads to important consequences for the interpretation of the Council, and more precisely not of the “conciliar event” but rather of its texts. A central tangible concern of many of Benedict XVI’s statements was to highlight the close organic connection of Vatican II with the rest of the Tradition of the Church, thus showing that a hermeneutic that believes it sees a break with Tradition in Vatican II is in error.

This “hermeneutic of rupture” is made both by those who see in Vatican II a distancing from the authentic faith, thus an error or even a heresy, and also by those who, by means of such a rupture with the past want to daringly make a courageous departure towards new shores. [AsBenedict XVI explicitly pointed out in his December 2005 address to the Roman Curia.]

However: the presumption of a rupture in the teaching and sacramental action of the Church is impossible, even if only for theological reasons. [Impossible in the abstract, maybe, but in fact, proclaiming and actually executing the rupture, mostly unchallenged, was nothing less than a romp for the 'spiritists' who knew how to play the media who were always on their side, anyway, being on the side of whoever is 'against the Church'.]
- If we believe in the promise of Jesus Christ to remain with his Church until the end of time, to send the Holy Spirit who will lead us into the richness of truth, then it is absurd to think that the teaching of the Church, transmitted in an authentic way, can over time prove to be wrong on one point or another, or that an error that has always been rejected can at a certain moment be revealed to be true.
- Whoever maintains that this is possible would be the victim of that relativism which says that truth is essentially subject to change; that in reality truth does not exist at all. [Which is, in fact, the operational bedrock for the progressivists, and anyone else who has contempt for the Church and its God-fearing values and practices.]

[The cardinal's points from here on present the fundamental aspects of an ecumenical council, in theory, and which were more or less observed in the councils that preceded Vatican II, but largely dumped in practice before the ink had dried on the Vatican II documents which were to be shamelessly and fraudulently used as the blueprint for the 'new church' desired by the progressivists. So read on, not forgetting to take a lick from a salt pack now and then.]

Every council makes its specific contribution to this Tradition. Naturally a council’s contribution cannot consist of adding new content to the Church’s deposit of faith. And even less can a council eliminate teachings of the faith handed down thus far.

Rather, what is accomplished here is a process of development, clarification and discernment, with the help of the Holy Spirit, a process that leads each council, with its definitive doctrinal declarations, to enter as an integral part in the overall Tradition of the Church.

From this point of view, the councils always open forward, looking toward a more complete, clear, and current doctrinal proclamation; they do not go backwards. A council will never contradict those that have preceded it, but it can integrate, specify, and continue.

Things are different, however, for the council as an organ of legislation. The latter can – and certainly must – confront, but always within the limits indicated by the faith, the concrete needs of a particular historical situation and, from this point of view, is in principle subject to change.

From these observations one thing ought to emerge clearly: all that has been said also applies to Vatican II. It too is nothing more – but also nothing less – than a council among, alongside, and after the others. It is not above and not even outside, but falls within the series of ecumenical councils of the Church.

That this is so results not least of all from the self-understanding of almost all the councils. It is enough to recall their respective affirmations, as well as those of the first Fathers of the Church, on the question. They recognize in the Tradition the very nature of councils.

Already Vincent of Lerins († prior to 450) reflects expressly on this in his Commonitorium:

“To what has the Church aspired by means of her conciliar decrees, if not to ensure that what was believed before the council was afterwards believed with greater diligence; that what was previously announced without vigor would afterwards be announced with greater intensity; that what she previously celebrated with absolute certainty would afterwards be adored with greater zeal? This, I maintain, and nothing else, the Church, shaken by the innovations of the heretics, has always obtained by means her conciliar decrees: that which previously she had received from the “ancestors” only by means of tradition, she has now deposited in writing also for “posterity.” She has done so by synthesizing much in a few words and, often, for the purpose of a clearer understanding, expressing the unchanging content of the faith with new definitions” (Commonitorium, ch. 36).

This authentically Catholic conviction finds expression in the definition of the Second Council of Nicea in 787, which states: “Therefore, proceeding on the royal pathway and following in all and for all the divinely inspired authority of our Holy Fathers and the tradition of the Catholic Church, recognizing, in fact, that the Holy Spirit dwells in her, we define…”; and then there follow the central principles of the conciliar decree. The last of the four anathemas of that council is also particularly important: “If anyone rejects any ecclesiastical tradition, whether written or non-written, let him be anathema.”

In holding a council, the Church realizes her most profound nature. The Church – and therefore the council – hands on by living and lives by handing on. Tradition is the true realization of her essence.

The decisive element of the interpretative horizon is the authentic transmission of the Faith, not the spirit of the time. This absolutely cannot mean rigidity and immobility. The way the Church keeps her eyes fixed on today must not become less. It is the present questions that demand an answer.

But the elements that compose the answer can only come from Divine Revelation, offered once and for all, which the Church hands on authentically down the centuries. This transmission thus constitutes the criterion to which every new response ought to refer if it wants to be true and valid.

It is necessary to take into account these fundamental considerations even in the interpretation of the most disputed conciliar texts.

These are mainly the Declarations Nostra Aetate and Dignitatis Humanae, which have raised objections from the Fraternity of Saint Pius X. This latter accuses the council of having erred in the faith. To this, however, we must respond decisively.

It is quite clear that when a conciliar text formulated in 1965, which at the time was intended to start from the situation in which it was created and on the basis of the intention of its affirmations, is proclaimed in the world of today, it must necessarily be contemplated in the present interpretative horizon.

Let us take, for example, Nostra Aetate. Whoever today accuses this text of religious indifferentism must read it in the light of Dominus Iesus, which would categorically rule out any misunderstanding in the sense of indifferentism or syncretism.

[In fact, the two most important practical corrective actions to Vatican II - officially undertaken by the Catholic hierrchy represented by the Pope - were the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church as one result of the 1985 synod called by John Paul II on the proper reception and interpretation of Vatican II, and Dominus Iesus, the CDF reiteration of the Catholic deposit of faith issued in the Jubilee year 2000, marking the end of Christianity's second millennium. I would add Summorum Pontificum in 2007, which resuscitated the 'Mass for the ages' that Paul VI and his fellow protestantizers thought they had buried once and for all in what was the most overt sacrilege perpetrated by the 'spiritists'. And I don't want to seem to be beating up on Mons. Vigano, but he has simply overlooked those three milestones in his wholesale accusation that nothing has been done to correct the perversions borne out of Vatican II.]

With ever new impulses, the post-conciliar magisterium by means of its clarifications has removed the basis for any erroneous interpretation of the conciliar texts either in the traditionalist sense or in the progressivist sense.

After these fundamental observations, I would now like to explain another interpretative principle that results from the historicity of every text. Just as all texts – and thus also all magisterial texts – arise from a particular historical situation and are determined by the concrete situation of their conception, they are also proclaimed with a precise intention in a precise historical moment.

We must not lose sight of this principle today when we set about interpreting one of these texts.

We must also take into account the fact that the hermeneutical horizon that has been so determined shifts and is modified in proportion to the chronological distance which the present interpreter has from the moment in which the text was created.
This means that past interpretations, depending on how chronologically distant they are, may become to a greater or lesser extent claims that are now only of historical interest. This awareness is particularly important when we consider texts of the magisterial and pastoral ministry of the Church.

One could immediately object that the truth, especially the truth of divine revelation, is an eternal and immutable truth, which cannot undergo alterations. Certainly the truth is not subject to discussion. “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass,” says the Lord.

It is, however, equally true that the recognition of this eternal truth by man, who is subject to historical change, is itself subject to change, just like the man who recognizes it. That is to say: depending on the historical moment, one or another aspect of eternal truth is grasped, recognized, and understood in a new and deeper way.

Precisely for this reason, even a conciliar text, if contemplated in its spiritual and cultural context, etc., and in the light of our time, may be understood in a new, more profound, and clearer way.

To the extent that we take this concept into account in our efforts to understand the teachings of Vatican II today and for today, we will succeed in overcoming various conflicts that arise in its regard.

Naturally the interpretation of the council is the competence of theological debate, which has always dealt with it. In fact, the results of this debate finally found space in the documents of the post-conciliar magisterium.

In light of what has been said, it would be a serious error not to take this principle into account in the interpretation of the council for the present time and to act as if time had stopped in 1965.

I would like to illustrate what has been said with three examples that seem to me to be particularly characteristic.

In this regard, immediately what stands out is the Declaration Nostra Aetate on the relationship between the Church and non-Christian religions and the Decree Unitatis Redintegratio on ecumenism. For a long time these two documents have been subjected to criticism by so-called traditionalist circles. Both of these documents are accused of lacking clarity and decisiveness in upholding the truth in relation to syncretism, relativism, and indifferentism. At the time of the approval of the texts it was difficult to foresee that they would offer footholds for similar criticisms.

It had been the experience of the totalitarianism of the first half of the 20th century and of the persecutions experienced together that reminded Jews and Christians – Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox – of the fundamental things that they held in common. The commitment to overcoming the ancient hostilities between them and to working towards a new coexistence was generally perceived as a duty imposed by the Lord. Read in this spirit and in this background, the two documents gave a very strong impetus to this commitment.

But then a page turned. Only a few decades after the conclusion of the council, a theological vision of non-Christian religions developed, above all in the Anglo-Saxon world, which spoke of different paths of salvation for man, more or less equivalent, and that thus placed the Christian mission into doubt. The proclamation of the Church, it was said, should be carried out in such a way so as to make a Muslim become a better Muslim, and so forth.

It was the Englishman John Hick, who spread this type of idea more or less beginning in 1980. In fact, against this new background one or the other formulation of Nostra Aetate could be misunderstood. Furthermore, Nostra Aetate “speaks of religion only in a positive way and ignores the sick and disturbed forms of religion, which from a historical and theological point of view have a wide scope (Benedict XVI, Collected Works, vol. VII/1, Preface).

At this point it is necessary to recall in a particular way the passage of Nostra Aetate which refers to Islam. The text is not only accused of indifferentism. It must be observed first of all, in this regard, that the decree certainly “cum aestimatione quoque muslimos respicit" (also regards Muslims with esteem), but absolutely not Islam. It is not referring to its teaching, but to the people who follow it. The fact that in subsequent formulations behind equal or similar words a very different understanding is hidden is evident for the Islamologist of today. At this point of the document, which intends to prepare the way for a peaceful dialogue, the rigid standard of dogmatic terminology should not be applied, although a commitment in this sense would have been desirable. In fact, the text was published in 1965.

For our current understanding, the problem assumes instead an entirely different aspect: it is Islam that has profoundly changed in the last half-century, as is demonstrated by the degree of Islamic aggression and hostility towards the “Christian” West. Against the background of the experience of the decades since 9-11, a decree of this kind should say something else.

For the purposes of a serious conciliar hermeneutic, there is no point in raging and arguing against the 1965 text: the decree now has only a historical interest.

It was then the magisterium, with the Declaration Dominus Iesus [in 2000], that removed the basis for any indifferentism and indicated in an unequivocal way Jesus Christ as the one way to eternal salvation and the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church of Jesus Christ as the only community of salvation for every man.

Something similar has happened through the various clarifications of the meaning of the famous phrase “subsistit in.” If in the ecumenical discourse there had been affirmations that could give rise to the impression that the Catholic Church was only one among many aspects of the Church of Jesus Christ, the interpretation of “subsistit in” confirmed by Dominus Iesus has eliminated any misunderstanding.

Another scandalum for many is the Declaration Dignitatis Humanae on religious freedom. This too has been accused of indifferentism, betrayal of the truth of the faith, and contradiction of Blessed Pius IX’s Syllabus Errorum.

The fact that this is not the case appears evident if the interpretative principles formulated above are applied: the two documents were created in a different historical context and had to respond to different situations.

The Syllabus Errorum – just like Gregory XVI’s Mirari Vos which preceded it – was aimed at the philosophical refutation of the claim of the absoluteness of truth, especially of revealed truth, by means of indifferentism and relativism. Pius IX emphasized that error has no rights with respect to the truth.

Dignitatis Humanae instead comes from a completely different situation, created by the totalitarianisms of the 20th century which, by means of ideological constraint, denigrated the freedom of the individual, of the person. Furthermore, the Fathers of Vatican II had before their eyes the political reality of their own time, which in different conditions, though not in lesser measure, threatened the liberty of the person.

For this reason, the central point of Dignitatis Humanae was not the – undisputed – untouchability of truth, but rather the freedom of the individual from every external constraint with regard to religious conviction.

In this regard, it is good to assure those who support the “absolute a-historicity of the truth” that no theologian or philosopher endowed with good sense would speak of the mutability or inconstancy of the truth. What changes rather, what is subjected to mutation, is the recognition, the awareness of truth by man, which totally changes. Here the Profession of Faith of the People of God occupies a place of excellence, which Paul VI proclaimed in the culminating moment of the post-conciliar crisis.

In synthesis: The Syllabus defended the truth; Vatican II defended the liberty of the person.

It is difficult to discern a contradiction between the two documents if they are contemplated in their historical context and understood according to what the intentions of their affirmations were at the time of their composition.

Furthermore, for the purpose of a correct interpretation, today all of the post-conciliar magisterium must be taken into account.

Finally, mention should be made of the worldly optimism, evidently somewhat naïve, which animated the council fathers during the drafting of Gaudium et Spes.

As soon as the council was over it became clear that this “world” was undergoing an ever more rapid process of secularization which pushed the Christian faith, and religion in general, to the margins of society.

It was therefore necessary to redefine the relationship between the Church and “this world” – as John calls it – and to complete and interpret the conciliar text, for example in the sense of the speeches of Benedict XVI during his visit to Germany.

This means however that a current interpretation of the council which brings out the essence of the conciliar teaching making it fertile for the faith and the teaching of the Church of the present, must read its texts in the light of all of the post-conciliar magisterium and understand its documents as the actualization of the council.

As highlighted at the beginning: Vatican II is not the first nor will it be the last council. This means that its magisterial declarations must be examined in the light of Tradition, that is to say, interpreted in such a way as to be able to identify, with respect to it, an extension, a deepening, or even a clarification, but not a contradiction.

Handing over – “tradition” – does not imply the simple delivery of a well-sealed package so much as an organic, vital process, which Vincent of Lerins compares to the progressive transformation of the person from a baby to a man: it is always that same person who undergoes the phases of development.

This applies to the areas of doctrine and the sacramental-hierarchical structure of the Church, but not for her pastoral action, whose efficacy continues to be determined by the needs of the contingent situations of the world that surrounds her. Naturally here too any contradiction between praxis and dogma is to be excluded.

It is a “process of active reception” which must also be carried out on the basis of unity in the heart of the Church. In fact, there are also cases – not in the sphere of truths of the faith, but in the moral sphere – in which what was prohibited yesterday may be appropriate today.

If, for example, prior to Vatican II the absolute ban on cremating the dead laid down the consequence of excommunication for any Catholic who chose cremation, in a time in which cremation has lost its aspect of protest against faith in the resurrection of the dead, it was possible to lift such a ban.

This applies in a similar way in the case of the ban on interest [on borrowed money]in the 15th-16th century, when the Franciscans and Dominicans – more precisely in Florence – challenged each other in bitter duels from the pulpits, where the contenders accused each other of heresy over the question of permitting the charging of interest, and threatened the opponent with burning in the flames of hell. It was a moral problem, born with the changes of economic reforms, and then it became obsolete once more.

We must go slowly, therefore, also in the debate over Vatican II and its interpretation, which in turn must take place against the background of the situation that has changed over time. In this regard, the magisterium of the post-conciliar popes has made important contributions, which however have not been sufficiently taken into account in the present debate.

Furthermore, in this discussion, it is good to recall the admonition to patience and modesty made by Saint Paul to Timothy (2 Tim 4:1 ff.).

Unfortunately these discussions continue to assume forms that are not in accord with brotherly love. It ought to be possible to reconcile zeal for the truth with the correctness of love of neighbor. In particular, it would be opportune to avoid that “hermeneutic of suspicion” that accuses the interlocutor from the outset of having heretical conceptions.

In synthesis: The difficulties in interpretation of the conciliar texts do not derive only from their content. It is necessary to increasingly hold in consideration the way in which our discussions develop in this regard.

I appreciate Cardinal Brandmueller's introduction of the issue of context in considering the most problematic of the Vatican II texts. Of course, it is helpful only to those, like me, who choose to consider the controversial texts in the light of what the Church has always taught, i.e., according to Benedict XVI's hermeneutic of continuity in renewal, and would not consider Vatican II as the last word on anything that has do with the faith or the Church.

It is a conscious choice because it seems to be the only rational alternative to face a problem that will remain a problem if one insists on seeing only the negative side of equivocal texts. Yet, one can see that advocating the hermeneutic of continuity is equivalent to carrying out a hopeful brick-by-brick re-edification of faith, when much of it already lies in post-conciliar fragments.

It is still much better than over-indulging in the blame game of the past 55 years which gets us nowhere and ends up being a contest as to who can beat his breast better and be the undisputed Tarzan in a jungle war that is best abandoned for the quieter, unspectacular but steadfast task of re-edification. With God's grace, non praevalebunt.
[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 10/07/2020 03:09]
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